Looking for a "Cliffs Notes" for the AK real estate exam?
Our study guide contains all the information you need to know for passing the licensing exam!
Test what you remember using our six practice tests.
Each lesson focuses on a specific topic, making it easy to target your weaknesses.
Review all the essential concepts tested on the AK National and State exam
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Reduce Exam Study Time by 90%
assing the state licensing exam is a big step towards earning your Alaska salesperson license. With the right preparation, you’ll be confident you know everything you need to pass. Our Alaska real estate exam study guide lessons have all the essential concepts found on the National and State exams, cutting your study time by 90%. Don’t waste your time reviewing what you already know or what’s not on the test!
Many students pass the Alaska real estate salesperson pre-licensing course only to realize it’s a lot of information to remember for the state licensing exam. As the day draws closer, they realize they’ve forgotten so much of the information. Don’t let this happen to you. This prep course will build your confidence, answering:
Real Estate Licenses From$395$99
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