Can I apply for a NY real estate license if I don't have broker?
No, you must have a sponsoring broker (who is a licensed NY real estate broker) in order to submit your NY real estate salesperson license application.
Related FAQs
You can only apply for your NYS real estate salespersons license after you have completed the 75-hour NYS real estate salespersons course, passed the NY state licensing exam, and found a sponsoring broker.
No, you must have a sponsoring broker (who is a licensed NY real estate broker) in order to submit your NY real estate salesperson license application.
A paper version of the NYS Real Estate Salesperson Application should only be used if: 1) You are applying for your license as an attorney admitted to the NYS Bar. 2) You were previously licensed. 3) The DOS waived the 75-hour education requirement. 4) You are applying for a NY real estate license via reciprocity.
You will not be eligible to submit a NY real estate salesperson license application if you are more than four months in arrears in the payment of child support.