How much is the NY real estate license application?
The NY real estate salesperson license application costs $55. You must make the payment through your eAccessNY account using a credit card.
Related FAQs
You can only apply for your NYS real estate salespersons license after you have completed the 75-hour NYS real estate salespersons course, passed the NY state licensing exam, and found a sponsoring broker.
No, you must have a sponsoring broker (who is a licensed NY real estate broker) in order to submit your NY real estate salesperson license application.
A paper version of the NYS Real Estate Salesperson Application should only be used if: 1) You are applying for your license as an attorney admitted to the NYS Bar. 2) You were previously licensed. 3) The DOS waived the 75-hour education requirement. 4) You are applying for a NY real estate license via reciprocity.
You will not be eligible to submit a NY real estate salesperson license application if you are more than four months in arrears in the payment of child support.