By: RealEstateUUpdated: 21 December 2022
Here’s how you can get your Tennessee Real Estate License in a nutshell!
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have a highschool diploma or equivalent
- Not be on parole or probation
Step 1:
Complete 90-hour Tennessee pre-licensing education from an approved education provider.
Step 2:
Schedule your Tennessee Real Estate State Licensing Exam (after completing your pre-licensing education).
Step 3:
Pass your Tennessee real estate State Licensing Exam.
Step 4:
Get fingerprinted and complete your background check.
Step 5:
Get an errors and omissions insurance policy before you apply for your Tennessee Real Estate License.
Step 6:
Find a Tennessee sponsoring broker in order to activate your real estate license.
Step 7:
Complete your Tennessee Real Estate License application.
How To Get A Real Estate License in Tennessee: Introduction
Welcome to this extensive guide, which will teach you how to get a real estate license in Tennessee!
Do you want to start a career as a real estate agent in Tennessee? This guide will help you understand:
- Who is required to have a real estate license in Tennessee?
- What qualifications are needed before applying for a Tennessee real estate license?
- What TN real estate license courses do you need to take?
- What are the expected costs?
- How long will it take to obtain your TN real estate license?
- and more…
Do you want to save time and money as you study to get your real estate license in Tennessee? This updated guide will help you do just that!

Tennessee Real Estate License: The Basics
In this chapter, you will learn about the basics of real estate licensing in Tennessee.
First, you will learn why you are required to have a real estate license in Tennessee. You will also understand why it is useful to have one!
Next, you will learn how you can have a successful career in real estate in Tennessee.

Who Needs a Real Estate License in Tennessee?
Do you find real estate sales interesting? If you’re considering a career change and want to try your hand at selling property in Tennessee, then first you must be licensed.
In the state of Tennessee, you would need a real estate license if you want to earn a commission from buying or selling property on behalf of your customers. You also need a real estate license if you rent or lease properties and earn commission from it.
However, you do not need a real estate license to sell or buy your own home!
The Tennessee Real Estate Commission is the governing body responsible for providing all real estate related licenses in the state. It is a part of the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance.
If you want to do your own research, you can start with the State of Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance website. On the website, you will be able to browse through information regarding professional licensing.

You can save time by directly going to the Real Estate Commission website. You will find detailed information about all of the real estate licenses offered by the state of Tennessee on this site.
We will walk you through the process of becoming licensed.
But first, some information about salaries!
How Much Can a Real Estate Agent Earn in Tennessee?
As a real estate agent in Tennessee, you can earn an average annual income of $102,498. How do we know this? We looked it up on!
This information is updated regularly, so you can check out this resource.
Go to and in the What box, type Real Estate Agent. Then in the Where box type, Tennessee. Now, click Search.

If you want information on the highest paying cities for real estate agents in Tennessee, you can also find that on
Below you can see a few examples for real estate agent salaries in Memphis, Brentwood, Franklin, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Murfreesboro, Clarksville, Cordova, and Johnson City.

Let’s look at the different types of real estate licenses that you can work with!
Tennessee Real Estate License: Becoming Licensed
To become a licensed real estate licensee in Tennessee, you will need to follow seven steps.
In this chapter, you will learn exactly what these 7 steps are.
Let’s dive right in!

Before applying for a real estate license in Tennessee, you must meet a few basic requirements.
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have a highschool diploma or equivalent
- Not be on parole or probation
- The Tennessee Real Estate Commission will not allow you to to schedule a State licensing exam if you are on parole or probation.
- You can only schedule your State licensing exam two years after the parole, probation, conviction, or release from incarceration has expired.
How To Get A Tennessee Real Estate License in 7 Steps
Now that we know the minimum criteria to get a license, let us look at the 7 steps required to become licensed.
The diagram below shows the seven steps you can follow to get your real estate license in Tennessee.

Now, let us look at each of these steps in detail.
Step #1:
Complete the Tennessee Real Estate License Course
If you want to get a real estate license in Tennessee, you first need to complete the 90-hour pre-license education requirement. This education includes two courses:
- 60-hour Tennessee Basic Principles of Real Estate course
- 30-hour course for New Affiliates
Each course will have a final exam at the end. Please not confuse this with the state exam.
You need to complete the 60-hour Basic principles of Real Estate course and also pass the Course Exam before you apply to take the State Exam.
You must complete the 30-hour course for New Affiliates anytime before applying for your Tennessee Affiliate Broker’s license.
Successfully passing each Course Exam will give you a Certificate of Completion. When applying to take the Tennessee real estate State Exam, you will be required to provide these certificates as evidence that you completed the pre-licensing education.
Step #2:
Schedule Your Tennessee Real Estate State Licensing Exam
Once you complete the 90-hour pre-licensing courses, you must schedule and pass the TN State Exam.
You must schedule your exam with the PSI Testing Center.
You can schedule your exam by visiting the PSI Testing Center or calling (855) 340-3710.

When scheduling your exam, you can choose to take the exam from any of the following PSI testing centers in Tennessee: Chattanooga, Dyersburg, Jackson, Johnson City, Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville.
You can refer to the Tennessee Real Estate Candidate Information Bulletin for more details. The Information Bulletin is a great reference for additional details on all steps in the process.
Once your completed application is submitted, PSI will check its eligibility for testing and then approve it. PSI will basically check the Completion Certificates for your pre-licensing education.
Next you will be emailed an Approval Postcard along with steps on how to pay and schedule your state exam.
The registration fee is not refundable or transferable.
The State Exam fee is valid for a duration of six months.
Let us look at how you can schedule an exam on PSI online.
You can schedule your online exam using the following steps.
1. Go to PSI’s registration website.
2. If you don’t have an account, select the Sign Up option.

3. You will be taken to the Create Account page. Here, you need to enter the required information.

4. Submit the application. You will get a message that your account has been created successfully.
5. You can click on Login to Continue.

6. You will be taken to a Login box where you have to enter your Username and Password. Please note that the email address you entered while creating the account is your Username.

7. After logging in, you need to select the examination you want to appear for.

8. After you click Register for Exam, you have to fill in your personal information.

9. You then have to make the payment. You have to enter your credit card details.
10. After paying, you can select if you want to give the test at a PSI test center or from a computer at a remote location.

11. If you choose Test Center as the delivery mode, you will be taken to the Find Test Location page. Here, you have to enter your location, city/ postal code, and the preferred month.Click on Search Exam Center after filling out these details.

You can choose the preferred TN test center after which you have to select the examination date and time.

If you select Remote Online Proctored Exam as the delivery mode, you will be asked to enter your country and timezone. You then have to select your preferred date and time for the exam.

Pro Tip!
If you choose the delivery mode as Remote Online proctored Exam, please check the compatibility of your computer. This is to make sure that your computer includes audio/ video check, webcam check, and system check.
You must use Google Chrome browser. You should also conduct a compatibility test at least 24 hours before your scheduled exam. You should first register for your exam and then check the compatibility of your computer by clicking here.
If you experience any issues while launching your exam or if you have any questions about the compatibility of your computer, you can contact the remote proctoring technical support team by calling (844) 267-1017.
12. You can also register for the exam through telephone registration.
- You can call (855) 340-3710 and speak to a PSI registrar from Monday to Friday between 6:30 AM and 9:00 PM Central Time.
- You can also call on Saturday and Sunday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Central Time.
- Please remember that you need a valid VISA or MasterCard during the telephone registration.
Step #3:
Pass the Tennessee Real Estate State Licensing Exam
Now that you know how to register for the exam, let’s look at how much you need to score to pass the TN real estate state exam.
The TN real estate state exam is also called the affiliate broker licensing exam.
The Real Estate Affiliate Broker Examination has 120 multiple choice questions with each question having four options. These questions are split across National and State portions.
Out of these 120 questions, 80 will be from the National portion and 40 from the State portion.
If you want to apply for an Affiliate Broker license, you need a minimum passing score of 56 (70%) out of 80 in the National portion and 28 (70%) out of 40 in the State portion.
You will be given 160 minutes to complete the National portion of the test and 80 minutes to complete the State portion of the test.
You can find the Tennessee Affiliate Broker Examination summary below:
No. | Portion | No. of Questions | Minimum Passing Score 70% | Time Allocated |
1. | National | 80 | 56 correct answers | 150 mins |
2. | State | 40 | 28 correct answers | 80 mins |
You need to pass both the National and the State portions of the exam to proceed to the next step.
After you pass the exam, your photograph will be taken at the PSI testing center. This photo will be used for your license application.
If you fail the Affiliate Broker Exam, you can reschedule your exam as early as the next day. You need to register only for the component that you failed.
Your score for the component that you passed will only be valid for six month. Try to reattempt and pass the second component within these six months.
If you fail the component for the second time, you must wait for 30 days before you can retake your exam.
Step #4:
Get Fingerprinted
After passing your TN real estate exam, you need to get yourself fingerprinted. This is required by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission. You can get yourself fingerprinted at an IdentoGO location.
You can also use IdentoGO’s non-resident card scan service if you live outside Tennessee or are not able to physically go to an IndentoGO location.
Fingerprinting will cost you around $35. You can pay this amount directly to IdentoGO.
Prices vary based on the location of the IdentoGO. Also it varies based on whether or not you choose to use IndentoGO’s non-resident card scan service.
You can schedule your fingerprinting appointment online by following the steps below:
1. Go to the IdentoGO website.

2. Scroll down on the homepage and select Digital fingerprinting.

3. You will be taken to the Digital Fingerprinting page. Choose Tennessee in the dropdown.

4. You have to scroll down and click on Digital Fingerprinting under Enrollment Services.

5. You need to click the Schedule a New Appointment button which is shown in green.

6. Enter the service code. You can enter your service code which is 28TZ99.

7. Then fill in the required information to schedule and process your background check.
If you live outside Tennessee or are not able to physically go to the IdentoGO location you can use the non-resident card scan service.
This will process your fingerprint record quickly. You have to enter your service code as 28TZ99 while registering.
Step #5:
Obtain Errors and Omissions Insurance
Now that you have successfully completed your registration, you need to have an Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy before you apply for a TN affiliate broker license.
This insurance typically protects brokerages and real estate individuals from getting sued by a client if they made a mistake related to the transactions in real estate.
It will cover your legal costs, defense costs, and court costs related to a claim.
You can acquire this insurance at any trusted insurance firm.
The cost of the insurance policy depends on you as a licensed Affiliate Broker. Make sure to get multiple offers.
Step #6:
Find a Tennessee Real Estate Sponsoring Broker
After passing your exam, you will get an active Affiliate Broker license right away IF you already are employed by a sponsoring broker at the time of applying for your license.
You should remember that your sponsoring broker will hold your real estate license.
If you do not have a sponsoring broker, you will be given a Tennessee inactive real estate license.
You can activate your license once you get a sponsoring broker.
Keep in mind that most sponsoring brokers will be happy to take you on for work. They will train you and help grow your skills.
Here’s how you can go about finding a sponsoring broker:
- You can identify 8 to 10 brokers that you would like to work with and make a list of that.
- You can contact those brokers. Explain that you want to work for a sponsoring broker to activate your license.
- Shortlist 4 to 5 brokers and schedule an interview with them.
- In the interview, you should ask them about commission splits, the kind of training they offer, and whether they provide you clients right away.
- Based on your goals, you can then decide who you want to be your sponsoring broker.
While selecting a TN sponsoring broker, it is better to prioritize your education and training over the commission you can earn.
Step #7:
Apply for an Tennessee Real Estate Affiliate Broker’s License
Now that you have completed the documentation and other processes, you can apply for a Tennessee Affiliate Broker license. You need to apply for this license within six months after passing your National and State portions of the State Licensing exam.
You can apply for your license online on the Comprehensive Online Regulatory & Enforcement System.

Here’s how you can apply for your TN Affiliate Broker license.
1. If you have an existing account, you simply have to login by entering your User ID and password. If you are a new user, you can click on Register a new account in the New User section below the login/ Returning User box.
2. If you click Register a new account, you will be taken to the User Registration page. You have to enter the required information and click Next at the bottom of the page.

3. The Tennessee Real Estate Commission will charge you $91 for the license application fee.
Tennessee Real Estate License: The Costs
Getting your Tennessee real estate license will cost money. This Chapter will help you understand how much you would be looking to spend.
There are fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are what you will spend for the application fee, the examination fee, and the fee for background checks.
Variable costs are what you will spend for the education courses you need to take. Online courses are cheaper than in-person classroom courses. Also, the fees you pay will depend on the school you choose.
Ready to learn the details?

What are the Variable Costs?
Online TN Real Estate Licensing Courses
There are a number of schools that offer the online and in-person courses for Tennessee real estate licensing.
Their average cost is approximately between $199 and $500 for online courses and between $200 and $600 for in-person courses. These costs may differ depending on the content and services that the TN real estate schools offer.
You will have an advantage in terms of saving time and money if you choose an online course over a classroom course.
Some of the online educational providers are listed below.
It is important to note that prices may change after the publication of the page. Please do your own research for the most recent prices and programmes.
RealEstateU® offers the Tennessee Real Estate License Online Full 90-Hour Package for $149. We believe this is the most affordable real estate licensing course in Tennessee.

RealEstateExpress offers the TN Real Estate Online Packages starting at $209.30.

TheCEShop offers the 90-hour Tennessee Affiliate Broker Real Estate Licensing Packages starting at $299.25.

AceableAgent offers the Online Tennessee Affiliate Broker Licensing Course starting at $195.

D&D School Of Real Estate offers the Tennessee Course for New Affiliates, Tennessee Real Estate Principles, and Tennessee Real Estate Professional Track courses for $175.00, $375.00, and $595.00 respectively.

Tennessee In-Person Real Estate Classes
Apart from online courses, you can also enroll in TN real estate classroom courses.
Let us look at some available options.
Jackson State Community College offers in-person Affiliate Real Estate Broker Class among others starting at $211.00.

Tennessee Real Estate Educational Systems offers real estate courses in a classroom setting starting at $497.

TN Real Estate & Comprehensive Sales School offers in-person real estate and pre-licensing courses starting at $350.00.

Online classes provide you with the flexibility to work at your own pace and schedule.
Online courses are generally more affordable when they are entirely eLearning based (i.e. there is no live instructor involved and you study at your own pace).
Some educators offer live streaming courses, which have a live instructor conducting the sessions in an online environment. This type of online courses are typically more expensive as they mimic a classroom setting.
Now that we know of the variable costs for a real estate license in Tennessee, let’s look at the fixed costs.
What are the Fixed Costs?
You must pay certain fixed costs in addition to the fee of online and in-person courses. These fixed costs are as follows:
No | Details | Cost |
1 | Application Fee | $91 |
2 | License Examination Fee | $39 |
3 | Fingerprinting Fee | $35 |
Now that we know the real estate license’s variable and fixed costs, we can calculate the total cost of obtaining a Tennessee Real Estate license.
No. | Details | Cost |
1 | TN Online Course with RealEstateU | $149 |
2 | Application Fee | $91 |
3 | Licensing Examination Fee | $39 |
4 | Fingerprinting Fee | $35 |
Total | $314 |
Your total cost to acquire a license will be $314.
Tennessee Real Estate License: Time Needed
The last few pieces of information you’re probably wondering about are:
- How much time would I need to study for the Tennessee real estate license?
- How long would the TN application process take?
- When can I expect to receive the TN real estate state exam results?
That’s what this Chapter will focus on.
Let’s jump right in!

The estimated overall time needed to complete the entire process of getting your TN Affiliate Broker’s license is approximately 5 months.
Estimated Time for Completing the Education Requirements
6 weeks (depends on you)
The estimated time for completing your education requirements is approximately 6 weeks if you take the 90-hour Tennessee prelicensing course online. However, you can finish it sooner or later depending on the speed of your progress.
In the end, it comes down to how much time you are willing to or able to study in one day. The more hours you put in a day, the faster you complete the course.
Estimated Time for Completing the TN Application Process, State Exam, and Background Checks
You can complete the entire application and submit all the relevant documents online. This significantly reduces the time it would take for you to get your license.
You need to consider the date when you schedule the State Exam as it depends on the PSI center’s seating capacity.
You also need to take into account the number of attempts in which you pass your exam.
Please remember that your TN state exam results are valid for 6 months.
You should pass both the National and the State portions of the State Exam within those 6 months.
You should also expect the fingerprinting process to take about 2 weeks.
If you want to process your application faster, you can apply for your TN real estate license online:
Overall, you should be able to get your license in approximately 5 months depending on the time you take to complete the pre-licensing courses, compile your application, retest, and submit fingerprints.