How much does it cost to get my NE salesperson's real estate license?

Here are the costs associated with obtaining your Nebraska real estate salesperson license.

66-hour salesperson pre-license course: $349

State Exam Fee: $150.

Fingerprint Fee: unknown*

E&O Insurance: $235**

License Application Fee: $135

License Issuance Fee: $80

Required Post License Course: $104***

Total Cost: $704.


These costs are spread out over the entire licensing process and not paid all upfront.


*Some agencies may charge an additional fingerprint fee if they do not have a LiveScan machine.

**The $123 fee was based on the full year 2022 rate for the Nebraska Real Estate Commission's group E&O program with the minimum mandatory limited liability insurance terms.

***The most affordable rate for the post-license course in Q4 2021 was $104.