What security procedures will be in place during the state examination

PSI test centers are continuously monitored by video and audio surveillance equipment for security purposes. All applicants must adhere to these requirements when taking the exam:

  • Because exams are proprietary, no cameras, notes, recording devices, pagers, smartphones or cellular devices are allowed in the testing area. If any such item is brought to the testing center, the candidate doing so will be dismissed from the exam and the fee forfeited.
  • Calculators used during the exam must be silent, battery-operated and non-programmable. They must not have paper-tape printing capabilities nor uskeyboards containing letters. No guests or visitors are allowed in the testing or reception areas.
  • No personal items, weapons or valuables will be brought to the exam room, with the exclusion of keys, wallets, watches and hats. Coats may be worn to the center, but must be left outside the testing area. You will be provided with a soft locker for storing your allowable personal items while you are taking the test. This locker will be secured prior to your entering the testing room and you will not regain access until you have completed the exam.
  • After placing your belongings in the soft locker, you will be asked to pull out your pockets to ensure they are empty. If you bring personal items that do not fit in the locker, you will not be able to test.